View Hotels

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Displays a list of all hotels in the database

Accessible by:

Accessed from:
Main Menu
Delete Hotel Form if user decides not to delete the hotel.

Input parameters:

List of hotels, with links to Edit Hotel Form or Delete Hotel.
This list is part of a View Hotel Form, which allows the manager to sort the list in various ways, submitting to Itself.
The sort options are to sort by name, country and city. The sort can be ascending or descending.

Pseudo Code:
get/create session
if ('usertype' param in session == 'm') {
   get parameters from the form
   get Hotel data from the database
   if (there's no 'sortBy' variable) {
      display the list in a View Hotels Form
   else if (sortBy == 'name') {
      sort the list by the hotel's name
      if (ascending == 'yes') {
         reverse the list
      display the list in a View Hotels Form
   else if (sortBy == 'city') {
      sort the list by the city the hotel is in
      if (ascending == 'yes') {
         reverse the list
      display the list in a View Hotels Form
   else {
      display an error message
else {
   error message to say user must be a manager