View Country

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Lists the Cities serviced by AerWeb (or Ryanair on connecting Routes) in a particular country.

Accessible by:
Customers and managers

Accessed from:
View Countries
View City

Input parameters:
Country ID

List of Cities in the Country which are serviced by AerWeb (or Ryanair on connecting Routes) with links to View City.

Pseudo Code:
get/create session
if (there is a 'username' param in the session) {
   get parameters from the form
   if (there is a 'Country ID' param) {
      get country and city data from the database relating to 'Country ID'
      for each City that AerWeb flies to {
         display the city with link to View City
      for each City that Ryanair flies to {
         display the city with link to View City
   else {
      display an error message
else {
   error message to say user must be logged in