Booking Form
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Processes the Select Flight Form and displays a Booking Form
for the user to enter the booking information.
Accessible by:
All users
Accessed from:
Select Flight Form
Login or Registration (if user was forced to login while trying to book a flight)
Input parameters:
Outgoing Flight Number
Return Flight Number
Adult Passengers
Child Passengers
Booking Form if search is processed successfully.
Login Form if user isn't logged in.
Select Flight Form if there are errors in the form.
Pseudo Code:
get/create session
if ('username' param exists in the session) {
validate form
if (form params are in the correct format) {
if ('Outgoing Flight Number' is in a format reflecting a combination of flights) {
divide it into its constituent parts
for each constituent part {
check if sufficient seats are available on each flight
get the price of the tickets
else {
check if sufficient seats are available on the flight
get the price of the tickets
if ('Return/Single' == 'Return') {
if ('Outgoing Flight Number' is in a format reflecting a combination of flights) {
divide it into its constituent parts
for each constituent part {
check if sufficient seats are available on each flight
get the price of the tickets
else {
check if sufficient seats are available on the flight
get the price of the tickets
for each adult passenger {
display a text input for the passenger's name
for each child passenger {
display a text input for the passenger's name
get user's loyalty points from the database
calculate total cost of the flights taking loyalty points into account
get user's credit/debit card details
if (user has cards saved in the database) {
display details of each card with a radio button beside each
display input fields to add new card
display the total cost of the booking
add the booking details to the session, as a 'Booking' parameter, including total booking price and number of loyalty points used.
else {
display Select Flight Form with error message
else {
add the booking details to the session, as a 'Booking' parameter
display Login Form