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Processes the Booking Form to add the booking in the database.
Accessible by:
Customers and Managers
Accessed from:
Booking Form
Input parameters:
Flight Numbers
Adult Passengers
Child Passengers
Passenger Names
Card ID
CardHolder Name
Card Number
Card Expiry
Flight details with a confirmation number (session ID).
Pseudo Code:
get/create session
if ('username' param exists in the session) {
if (there's a 'Booking' param in the session) { //user had to login or register
get the Booking details from the session
get the params from the form
validate form
if (form params are in the correct format) {
for each flight booked {
if (there are not enough seats on the flight to match the order) { //in case someone else has booked them since this user selected the flights
display an error message and don't continue any further
for each flight booked {
add an entry to the 'bookings' table
get the booking ID from the entry and display to the screen as the user's confirmation number
insert the passenger names into the 'passengers' table
if (the user has used loyalty points in the booking) {
update the 'users' table to reduce the number of loyalty points the user has
else {
update the 'users' table to increase the number of loyalty points the user has
update the 'flights' table to increase the number of seats of each class sold
display flight itinerary
else {
display Booking Form with an error message.
else {
display an error message
else {
display error message that user must be logged in